Sharon has been a popular speaker and teacher for more than thirty years, presenting seminars and workshops throughout the United States and overseas. She offers small group readings, genealogical presentations, and demonstrations of mediumship online through Zoom or in person in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Small Group Readings, Online Only
This is a small, private gathering of friends and family to participate in receiving psychic/intuitive information about each person or receiving messages from loved ones in the spirit world. Small group readings are from 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the number of attendees. Minimum attendees is five; maximum attendees is eight. Individuals or group leaders are responsible for gathering participants and coordinating the event. Sharon is not currently available for small group readings.
Public Demonstration of Mediumship, Online or In Person
Sharon presents a one-hour public demonstration of mediumship. For Zoom demonstrations, there must be at least twelve paid participants in your group. For in-person demonstrations, there must be at least twenty-four paid registrants. Individuals or group leaders are responsible for gathering participants and coordinating the event. Not everyone is guaranteed a reading at public demonstrations. If in person and outside the Salt Lake City area, ask about travel expenses. For in person events, all individuals must be properly masked. Sharon is not currently available for demonstrations.
Genealogy Presentations, Online or In Person
Sharon offers a one-hour presentation on the lecture of your choosing (see below) plus an optional, 30-minute bonus demonstration of mediumship. As with her public demonstrations, for Zoom presentations, there must be at least twelve paid participants. For in-person, there must be at least twenty-four paid registrants. Individuals or group leaders are responsible for gathering participants and coordinating the event. Not everyone is guaranteed a reading during the public demonstration. If in person and outside the Salt Lake City area, ask about travel expenses. For in person events, all individuals must be properly masked. Sharon is not currently available for presentations.
Tell It Short or Tell It Long: Methods for Writing Your Family History
Does the thought of writing your family history overwhelm you? Learn two options for sharing your family history: “tell it short,” as a collection of essays, or “tell it long,” as a book. Discover how you can craft your research into true stories that your family will want to read.
From Yawner to Page Turner: Writing a Compelling Family History
You’ve decided it’s time to write your family history. There’s no putting it off any longer. But how do you turn all those facts into a compelling read? Learn the elements of creative nonfiction storytelling, how to put ancestors into historical context, and ways to craft your family history book.
Writing Your Spiritual Journey
Your spiritual journey is unique to you, yet many people can likely relate to your experiences and/or struggles. Writing about a spiritual journey can be as rewarding as the journey itself. Through it you can gain insight, resolve conflict, and clarify your purpose. Gain tips and techniques to write your spiritual journey whether it is for yourself or to publish.
Finding Female Ancestors
Got female problems? In this presentation learn methods, sources, and strategies for researching female ancestors, no matter what time period.
Communicate with Your Ancestors
Learn how to receive messages and information from your ancestors through signs and a technique called psychometry. This lecture will include a practice session for all participants. For in-person presentations, participants should should bring a copy of an ancestor’s photo, handwriting, or personal item.